Perception: UConn has not been clear and consistent with PPE guidance, how it’ll be distributed, where policies are located and how they will be enforced.
Truth: Â Personal Protective Equipment is equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that may cause serious injuries and illnesses. Face masks/coverings worn in response to CDC guidance differ from PPE in that these are worn to protect others from the exhaled germs of the wearer. Colloquially, you may have heard face masks/coverings referred to as PPE. However, it is important for UConn/UCHC to clearly differentiate between the two because the PPE our medical professionals and other faculty/staff on campus have always worn, and must continue to wear, for their work differs from the masks worn in response to COVID-19. For those employees and students, maintaining this distinction is very important.
Masks or cloth face coverings are required to be worn by faculty, staff, students, and visitors. The University will provide cloth face masks to all faculty, staff, and students who are on campus this fall. Visitors must bring their own masks onto campus. For more information about wearing masks review Face Coverings: Informational Document and Face Coverings: Quick Facts. For more information about requesting masks, plexiglass barriers, and/or PPE visit COVID-19 Campus Operations.
The official UConn COVID-19 website can be found here. This is where all University-wide UConn COVID-19 policies, procedures, and resources will be communicated. Other departments may link to these resources or provide department-specific guidance.
The University of Connecticut has been responsive to federal and state guidance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. As new information and circumstances arose, guidance from the state and federal agencies has evolved. As a result, so has UConn policy and guidance. For continued updates visit