Category: COVID-19 Cases

Perception: UConn must be downplaying the impact of the coronavirus on campus because a major national news outlet is portraying it on a map as having several dozen more positive cases than the University’s dashboard shows.

Truth: The news outlet’s figures blend scores of positive cases recorded among UConn Health medical workers last spring – the height of the pandemic — with cases today among students and non-medical workers at UConn Storrs and the regional campuses. UConn’s dashboard is the official source of information about cases at UConn Storrs and the […]

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Perception: There’s a COVID-19 outbreak across UConn’s Storrs campus and alerts are going out directing people to avoid certain areas, which are also spreading on social media.

Truth: When a residential student tests positive for COVID, they are notified and moved to isolation space elsewhere on campus. In an abundance of caution, the university engages in contact tracing and quarantines all known close contacts.  This often includes but is not limited to all the students who make up their small “family unit” […]

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