Episode 110: Learning to Live in the Anthropocene

Tom and Julie get a break this week from their hectic podcast production schedule when colleague Elaina Hancock interviews Professor of Earth Sciences Robert Thorson – known far and wide as “Thor” – whose expertise runs from Henry David Thoreau to New England stone walls to cutting-edge geology. In this interview, Elaina and Prof. Thorson talk about the “Anthropocene” – the current age the earth finds itself in, when human civilization is bringing unprecedented changes to the climate and environment. What does it mean to live in a time when people are a leading factor in shaping the very conditions of life on Earth?
Meanwhile, Tom and Julie travel back to a lost age of slightly less dramatic scope: the age of public access television. There, they discover that UConn Waterbury once had its own regular show on cable systems throughout Connecticut, episodes of which seem to be lost, much to our hosts’ chagrin.