Episode 51: Benedict Arnold, Before He Was Lousy

This week, we get the lowdown on UConn’s participation in Connecticut’s first-ever ice hockey festival; we hear about ways students can stay healthy on campus; and we travel to the town of Ridgefield to learn about the significance of a Revolutionary War-related discovery.
[00:00:00] Tom Breen: Hello everyone and welcome to episode 51 of UConn 360, that’s the only podcast in the history of human civilization that covers the University of Connecticut from every conceivable angle. Despite your many calls and emails, I am back. My name is Tom Breen joining me as always are my colleagues, Maxine Philavong.
Maxine Philavong: I’m also back.
Tom Breen: Yes,
Julie Bartucca: Welcome back guys.
Tom Breen: Julie Bartucca
Julie Bartucca: Still here.
Tom Breen: Ken Best
Ken Best: Never left.
Tom Breen: That’s right. That’s right. Some people are more committed to the podcast than Maxine and I, traipsing around.
Ken Best: But, Tom came back bearing gifts for all of us, so thank him.
Julie Bartucca: He did! We got the coolest things from Japan.
Tom Breen: It’s true. I went to, I actually went to Meriden and just told people I went to Japan cause it just seemed more glamorous.
Ken Best: I have, I have it on good authority people either heard or saw you in Japan or know that you were there from outside of this building.
Julie Bartucca: Social media,
Tom Breen: Social media.
[00:01:00] Julie Bartucca: Posts, lots of pics.
Tom Breen: Um, yeah, so I’m back from Japan, but more importantly, I’m back here at UConn 360 we have, we have a great program for you this week. Our 51st episode. It’s a birthday week for Julie and I.
Julie Bartucca: Happy birthday, Tom.
Tom Breen: Happy birthday Julie. We’re both turning 25 it’s incredible.
Julie Bartucca: Um, so weird, right?
Tom Breen: Yeah, I know, right? So why don’t we jump right into the, the news. There’s a lot of exciting news this week. Julie wants you to lead off.
Julie Bartucca: Sure.
Tom Breen: Let us know what’s happening.
Julie Bartucca: UConn has been named the 11th greenest institution in the world among 780 peers. The 2019 UI green metric world university rankings recognize universities that excel in six sustainability indicators: campus setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change waste, water, transportation and education slash research. Schools from 85 countries participated in the survey, and UConn is one of only two universities from the United States that made the top 20 along with UC Davis. [00:02:00] And this is the latest environmental accolade for us, which we are currently number five on the Sierra club’s cool schools list as well.
Tom Breen: Very nice. Ken, what’s, uh, what do you have for us?
Ken Best: Well, faithful listeners will recall, we had the Culinary Olympics story last week. Yesterday was the actual Culinary Olympics. And if once again, showcase the skills and creativity of our dining services chef, uh, where they had to work against the clock to make tapas dishes using a basket of mystery ingredients, which included this year: frog legs, porcini mushroom powder, pistachios, cornbread, chia raspberry jam, French meat pie and oat milk. It was a very difficult challenge as they said. However, the Halal team of Amy Grannis, Donna Johnson and Charlie Strong took the first place position. They had prepared pistachio and crusted hopping pops with [00:03:00] tropical salsa. That’s the frog legs.
Julie Bartucca: Little play on frog legs,
Ken Best: yeah.
Canadian burger on crostini with balsamic cranberry reduction and jalapeno cornbread biline for dessert.
Tom Breen: Wow. Sounds good.
Ken Best: So congratulations to the team from Gelfenbien, the full listing of the winners in the boiling point and all the other recipe categories can be found along with Sean Flynn’s pictures at Today.UConn.edu
Tom Breen: I think everyone who listens to UConn 360, uh, understands that UConn plays a big role in the life of the state of Connecticut…but now there’s a way to quantify that. You can head over to impact.uconn.edu and see the results of a new study that shows UConn’s value to the Connecticut economy. It’s roughly $5.3 billion a year. That’s billion with a B.
Julie Bartucca: No small change,
Tom Breen: No small change. And that’s direct and indirect, uh, economic contributions. The report breaks it down into all kinds of different categories like grant funding, uh, state and local taxes. [00:04:00] And also, uh, the impact.uconn.edu site has a really neat feature where you can plug in your town and you can see how many students current students are from your town. How many, uh, staff and faculty live in your town. How many alums are from your town. Average student financial aid, and a UConn health patient visits.
Julie Bartucca: Very cool. My colleagues in the marketing team have been hard at work getting that info out.
Tom Breen: They did a great job putting that website together. So head on over to impact.uconn.edu. Find out exactly how much UConn is bringing into your life unless you live outside of the state of Connecticut, in which case, uh,
Julie Bartucca: Nothing.
Tom Breen: Nothing, zero.
Julie Bartucca: Just joy.
Tom Breen: Big goose egg.
Julie Bartucca: Only joy.
Tom Breen: It’s probably not true actually. Well, anyway, let’s, uh, let’s get on to the exciting stories that we have this week. Maxine, you’ve got something for us.
Maxine Philavong: Do you have something for us. The wellness coalition directed by a student health and wellness and the operations informational management department, are hosting, UConn’s second campus wide innovate wellness challenge. What the innovative wellness challenge you may ask? Tara and Jonathan of UConn’s emerging technology [00:05:00] initiative staff bio studios to tell us more about it.
Tara Watrous: Working with both Susanna Onorato who is the executive director of student health and wellness and John throughout my undergrad. Throughout both I’m working experiences, I kept finding students with really amazing ideas around different types of health innovations or using technology to enhance health. And so the idea of the innovate wellness challenge came out of, um, providing students a platform to be able to voice those ideas and then potentially have the opportunity to work with staffing and faculty to implement those ideas.
Jonathan Moore: My name is Jonathan Moore, I am the director of MIS in the school of business management information systems. Two years ago I developed the OPM innovate emerging tech initiative, which is all around bringing emerging tech analytics to all students. And to try and upscale them to make them more competitive in the workplace.
Tara Watrous: My name is Tara Watrous, I am a recent UConn graduate and I have a dual employment with the business school as well as student health and wellness. So with John, I work helping him [00:06:00] with OPM innovate, which is an emerging technology initiative out of the business school. And then I’m also working with student health and wellness to launch an innovative wellness initiative that really helps students to create ideas and then also look to develop those ideas around health innovations.
Jonathan Moore: We kind of saw some need to figure out how technology can improve students’ lives and specifically around the scope of wellness. We first kind of merge these two ideas about a year ago with the first challenge. I run a number of case competitions, challenges, data challenges, and uh, they had asked for my experience to help guide them with this first challenge that they were putting together.
Maxine Philavong: Tara said, students can sign up in teams of three to work on this year’s theme: students stress.
Tara Watrous: Nationally, stress is one of the highest indicators of academic impediment. And so when we were looking at the data, we felt like one, the problem that we can attack, it’s also a problem that we see across the nation. [00:07:00] So if we can help students at UConn, then potentially that could have the impact to help universities across the country. And so students have to work through the five phases of design thinking. So for the first elimination round, which is going to be poster presentation, students have to work through the empathize phase, the define phase, and then the ideate.
So students will come up with three top ideas that they think could help students reduce stress. And then from there, the top teams will be able to go onto semifinal presentations and final presentations where they’re then from the top three ideas selecting one idea and they’re working with staff, faculty, and mentors to hone in on that idea and figure out how to build a prototype and then potentially how to test that prototype.
Maxine Philavong: Tara and Jonathan encourage students from all majors to join the challenge.
Tara Watrous: So we are really encouraging interdisciplinary teams to to form through this challenge. So all students are open and it’s encouraged that you work with students that are kind of outside your major, so you get to meet new students and you bring different skill sets to the team.
Maxine Philavong: Last year’s challenge tried students to [00:08:00] innovate wellness more broadly across campus.
Tara Watrous: We charge students to create a continuum of connectedness and engagement throughout campus. And so the top three teams were the wellness points team. So they wanted to create some type of application where students would be incentivize to participate and engage in healthy behaviors.
The second team was pet therapy, so they wanted to expand pet therapy and have a map where you could track where all the events were on campus. And then the third team was called the sunshine initiative, and they wanted to create more spaces both inside and outside, where students could just enjoy some vitamin D.
Jonathan Moore: You’ll notice that the top two ideas involved some form of technology. Both of them were kind of app ideas. So the top one though, the wellness points idea, a number of different organizations and programs had already been kind of working on that. So as a group, we have been really trying to help that, that student team, that one stay involved and kind of providing their feedback as we’re [00:09:00] developing and kind of building some prototypes in that space.
So, that is moving along. Uh, the second idea, the pet therapy app, I’ve had students working directly on it. So this was another kind of neat way that we could incubate those ideas and turn them into reality for the students that participated.
Maxine Philavong: The idea for the challenge came out of innovate UConn and the O P I M department.
Jonathan Moore: We worked on that lab for about two years and a number of services came out of that. Where we were able to offer workshops we were able to do learning activities. So students that were afraid of technology or are wanting to learn more, say about 3D printing or VR could come in and do these different, what we call tech kits, to really help upskill them. And this was outside of their curriculum, um, outside of any particular class. It really was giving them the ability to kind of better their resume, uh, better their ability to dive into these very sought after skills. [00:10:00] We also kind of kept it open as a sandbox for students working on projects, case competitions or challenges. So that’s another, uh, synergy that we have.
And so you’d have students come in, work on projects. Maybe they’re entrepreneurs, they could come into our space and do that. And so that’s success. There in a very short period of time was connecting with internal partners, like student health and wellness and a handful of others.
But then we started to get external interest as well. So this past semester, um, we did the Hanover image analytics challenge. So this was a really big competition. We had 72 students sign up and we kept it as diverse as possible. Any major could come in and try and look at data and try and solve these different problems that hand over had.
So not only were we developing them throughout the challenge, we were able to really focus on getting them to the point of experiential learning. The, the goal was, was that a number of those students. We [00:11:00] even offered internships at the end. Well, all of that package together and some of the successes, we said, can we take this idea and make it bigger? And we’re just at kind of the cusp of that.
Maxine Philavong: Jonathan says they have ideas to expand their lab outside of their department and even outside of UConn.
Jonathan Moore: The big thing is to take our lab and to create these other affiliated labs. So it’s really changing the idea of your traditional centers and the academic level.
Any affiliated lab would keep their affiliation, but they would kind of come under this idea of student driven inquiry. So you take students where they’re at, figure out what they’re interested in, and then you can bring in maybe research projects, companies that want challenges. Internal like the wellness challenge.
And the idea is to kind of bring that all together under one umbrella. So it’s really this ongoing thing that we’ve been trying to get started. And, uh, bringing in different partners on.
Maxine Philavong: Teams can register for the challenge starting February 3rd.
Tara Watrous: So registration opens at the beginning of February [00:12:00] and it’s open for about 10 days. And then we’re going to have info sessions and a kickoff event in the middle of February. The poster presentations are going to be at the beginning of March, and then semi-final presentations the end of March. And then at the end, um, it’s gonna be a culmination at the wellness conference that student health and wellness hosts annually. And so those are going to be the top three teams presenting the final three presentations.
Maxine Philavong: They say the top three teams will win a prize.
Tara Watrous: So the top team is going to win $2,250, and then it scales down from there. So $750 each for the top team, and then scales down. So there will be a link, um, at innovatelabs.uconn.edu. That is our OPIM innovate lab page. And then there will be a link that you can click on to access the challenge.
Julie Bartucca: That’s awesome. $2,000.
Tom Breen: That’s fantastic.
Julie Bartucca: Submit your ideas, kids.
Ken Best: You need new ideas all the time.
Tom Breen: Ken, what new ideas do you have for us?
Ken Best: Well, it’s actually not an idea that I had. But the brain trust of hockey in the state of Connecticut has come [00:13:00] up with a really interesting new event that’s going to start for the very first time, the weekend of January 24th through 26th.
UConn and the state’s three other division one men’s ice hockey teams will start the first Connecticut Ice Festival on January 24th. Uh, this will take place at the Webster bank arena in Bridgeport. And it will be an annual event celebrating youth, amateur, and collegiate hockey in the state. UConn will compete in two round, four game tournament, along with teams from Sacred Heart University, Quinnipiac University, and Yale university.
And all games will be broadcast on SNY, which of course covers UConn football and men’s and women’s basketball games. It’s going to be youth events, clinics for players, three division tournaments for boys and girls 12 and under, and it girls and boys showcase game and a prep school showcase game in conjunction with USA hockey, which means it’s really a nationally affiliated program.
Now, there’s a lot of folks who may be familiar with the Beanpot [00:14:00] college hockey tournament that’s been in Boston for almost 70 years, but this is going to be a little bit different because it’s not just the tournament, it’s, it’s got everything else. UConn head coach Mike Cavanaugh was a longtime assistant at Boston college and participated in that tournament, and he would like to see the Connecticut ice festival develop a similar atmosphere for hockey fans right here in the state of Connecticut and we talked about it.
How did this idea come about for of hockey festival in Connecticut?
Mike Cavanaugh: Well, I think it came about long before I got here, because I know at my initial press conference I was asked would I have interest in it. It was clearly talked about before I got here, and I said, of course, I think it would be a wonderful event for the state, for all those involved in hockey at any level in Connecticut to be able to have a tournament were four division one teams could play for a championship. Uh, I’m glad it’s getting off the ground now and looking forward to seeing how it’s, uh. attended and the type of buzz it creates within the community.
Ken Best: [00:15:00] Well, there’s definitely a hockey base still in Connecticut from the days of the Whalers, uh, in Hartford, you’ve been drawn very well. It’s a lot of fun going to the games. Uh, how does that, uh, set up, you think for the interests down in Bridgeport, which is a great arena to watch hockey in.
Mike Cavanaugh: It is a great arena to watch hockey in. I don’t know how it’s gonna be attended in Bridgeport. You know, I was hoping at some point that it would probably rotate between Bridgeport and Hartford. I think UConn is going to draw wherever we go. I will not be surprised if there’s seven, 8,000 fans there.
Ken Best: I think the youth component with the tournament for the 12 and unders and the clinics probably is a good draw for the kids to go see the college gets play.
Mike Cavanaugh: Oh, no question about it. And if all of those kids are come to the games, and that’s really the whole point of it. We want to be able to, I think I’m speaking for all four schools, to be able to keep the best talent in this state. And there’s been a lot of great talent in this state over the years here [00:16:00] at home in Connecticut.
We don’t want people to have to drive by our schools to go to another school. You’re not going to be able to keep everybody, but if we could keep the majority of the kids in state, it’s better for all of us. One way to do that would be. To have this tournament year in, year out. Uh, you know, when an eight year old is going for, you know, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, he’s been going and growing up, going to this tournament. Naturally, they’re going to want to play in the tournament. So when it comes time to go through the recruiting process, that’s certainly going to be something that we could use to attract kids to come to our school.
Ken Best: The televising of the games is a key, always in the move to hockey. Certainly has helped that because on any given week, there’s a good chance that the UConn game will be one of the ones that will be on. Getting the TV viewers is really also another key thing.
Mike Cavanaugh: No question. And you know, we’re on again this Saturday versus Northeastern. So. I think that’s one of the things that’s really evolved in college hockey is that more and more games are being put on [00:17:00] television and more stations are picking up the games and you’re seeing even with the capabilities that we have streaming games, it’s also you’re getting a very good picture. I think the viewing of college hockey is only going to evolve and get better as time goes on.
Ken Best: The move to hockey certainly was a huge leap from the days of the Atlantic league and the previous club history of hockey. And it seems that the margins get closer because in just looking at that, the way that the team has been able to be competitive and perform in the league.
When you’ve got, right now, I believe it’s five members of league or in the top 20 nationally. It’s a tough league to play.
Mike Cavanaugh: It’s a really tough league. One of the tough things about here at UConn and why I’m so proud of our kids and how competitive we are, the two things that you really need to have when you’re starting a program are top notch facilities and tradition. You know, when I went to Boston college, they had six [00:18:00] straight losing seasons. However, they had a top notch facility and they had tradition from years past where they had won national tournament or they had won hockey East championships. So you could draw back on that and recruit kids to that.
Whereas here, the, the pro, the program was in its infancy when I, when I took over, it was our first year inaugural year, so we didn’t really have any tradition in hockey East and our facilities have to improve. If we’re going to attract the type of kid that wants to play in hockey East. And I was so proud of that first class that we recruited to play in hockey East because every year they were here, they got better and improved in the standings every single year and culminating with their senior year. We finished fifth in the league and got our first round by in loss to BU in overtime to go to the garden. So, uh, there was a lot of progress there. And then last year we had to turn over 12 kids and we had 12 freshmen. And we’ve had some ups and downs this year. But it’s still, I believe, the programs on the rise.
[00:19:00] Ken Best: I look at the numbers because when you look at sports, you look at stats, the numbers are, are, are, are competitive, in there. I mean, did the number of of ties, which in hockey there are ties that that’s a goal. You see it’s on the, on the, on the edge of making that leap and kids have been going into the NH NHL, which is always a good measure.
But also this is a regional sport. There’s just looking at the teams in the league, historic rivalries that you kind of said with Boston College, UMass Providence, and in Northeastern. So that’s good for the game too.
Mike Cavanaugh: It’s great. I mean to be, this is a, as as you alluded to earlier, it’s, if it’s not the best league in the country, it’s in the, it’s in the conversation.
So a night in and night out, you’re playing a top notch foe, uh, since we’ve been in the league, we’ve had three Hobey Baker award winners, uh, maybe four, uh, since I’ve been here at Connecticut. And that’s four in the last six years,.
Ken Best: Which is [00:20:00] a top player,
Mike Cavanaugh: Top player in the country country. So as I said, a very, very competitive league.
Uh, and you know, our first couple of years here, we had some nights where it was nine to one or 10 to two. And those days, thank goodness, are, are behind us. You can always have a game where you don’t have a good night, but it was continually towards the end of that first season where we really weren’t in games. Uh, we were just hanging on to survive. But, you know, now it’s, it’s a competitive game every night.
Ken Best: Who are the players you’re relying on this year? Because as you said, yet, you had a young team last year. So the, as they always, always say in sports, the best thing about freshmen is to become a sophomores and they have a little bit more experience.
Mike Cavanaugh: You know, we’re getting some pretty good senior leadership. Wyett Newpower and Ben Freeman, our co-captains, and they’ve done a great job leading the way. And Sasha Payasalve has, has really metamorphised into her top end goal score for us. Justin Howell’s playing a really significant role on our [00:21:00] team as well, winning face offs and sometimes being matched up against the other team’s top line.
So we’re getting great senior leadership. We have a small junior class. With Adam Karashik, Zach Robbins, and Brian Rigali, playing the majority of the games. Uh, and then we have a big, big sophomore class. That’s the class that needs to continue to grow, continually get better for us, uh, for us, for our team to get better, they have to grow as a group and they have done that.
Ken Best: People forget a little bit that it was only six, seven years ago that two of these teams played for the national championship.
Mike Cavanaugh: Yeah, they did. You know, Yale and Quinnipiac played, and let me see, uh, 13 yeah, that was the year they played for the national championship. Quinnipiac was only 20, probably 20 years old if that.
They, they were a club team for a long time. Now they’ve built a really strong program. It’s going to be fun. I think it’s fantastic. You know, we’re in the embryonic stages of this tournament, but I want to grow it to where it’s something special every year.
Ken Best: Now, folks may remember [00:22:00] that. It was bout seven years ago that Quinnipiac and Yale played for the NCAA ice hockey championship. So Connecticut’s pretty good in hockey at the collegiate level. Uh, Quinnipiac and Yale both play in the ECAC,.Uh, Sacred Heart in the Atlantic League, which we used to be in. And of course, UConn moved to Hockey East, which is the big league for hockey in the United States and where a lot of tough games come up. And coach Cavanaugh was working together up the ladder, and we’ve already been doing very well in attendance there, there’s a lot of people that come.
Julie Bartucca: It’s so much fun to go to, I went couple weeks ago.
Ken Best: And I might say a Webster bank arena is a really good place to watch a hockey game. I’ve been there for sound tiger games and when UConn has playd down there, so it’s a, it’s a good place to go. I think they’re probably going to sell it out. So if you want to get tickets, you better get going.
Julie Bartucca: Get in on that.
Tom Breen: Very interesting stuff for hockey fans. So, uh, I’m going to apologize here. I just got back from Japan, and so I don’t have a Tom’s history corner, [00:23:00] but we do have some history courtesy of Mike Enright, our colleague. So this is more of a Mike Enright’s history corner. Mike went down to Richfield, Connecticut, which you should just plug into impact.uconn.edu and see UConn’s contributions to Richfield. Uh, he went down to Richfield, Connecticut, because there’s a really interesting project happening there involving some UConn folks.
Not a lot of people know there were some major revolutionary war battles fought in the state of Connecticut. One of the most important was the battle of Ridgefield and April of 1777 and so recently there was some construction work happening in a home at Ridgefield that’s dated from the 1790s and they were digging in a dirt floor and they found human bones.
Julie Bartucca: No way!
Tom Breen: So, uh, this is an interesting thing that you may not know. Whenever a human skeletal remains are found, state medical examiner is called in. To determine if they are recent and then
Julie Bartucca: Or from 1777,
Tom Breen: Right, if they are recent and the police are called in and it becomes a, an investigation. But if they’re not, I believe it’s if they’re older than 50 years than the state archaeologist is called in.
And the state archaeologist by [00:24:00] law always has to be a UConn faculty member. The current interim state archeologist is Nick bellantoni,
Julie Bartucca: Our buddy, who we’ve interviewed.
Tom Breen: Who is, uh, who we’ve interviewed and who is a, um, an Emeritas professor at UConn. Is an amazing, fun guy to talk to.
Julie Bartucca: Really amazing career.
Tom Breen: Nick was called in and he brought along two doctoral candidates in the department of anthropology at UConn, Megan Willison, and Elik Weitzel and Elik, if I mispronounce your name, I apologize, I’m still jet lagged. So they were part of a team along with other people who excavated the remains, and they found a total of four bodies. And these were all, they all appear to be a healthy young men. And they found some buttons like from clothing, which may be uniform buttons.
So they believe these may have been soldiers who died in the battle, which would be the first time that the remains of a soldiers killed in the revolutionary war found in Connecticut. So there’s a lot more work to be done to determine, you know, if they were actually soldiers in the battle. And if they, it turns out they were then, uh, there’ll be reburied with military [00:25:00] honors and there’ll be reburied uh, either way. Uh, there’s, uh, whenever human remains are found, there’s always sort of a respectful process of reburial. Nick is an expert at this, having done it many times.
Ken Best: Do we know based on the articles of clothing, if they were colonial soldiers or British soldiers?
Tom Breen: That’s something else they’re going to try to find out to, to determine whether they were revolutionary, uh, Patriots or, or British soldiers.
Uh, and if they were British soldiers, then the British government will be involved in the reburial.
Julie Bartucca: That’s fascinating.
Tom Breen: Very interesting stuff. So the battle of Ridgefield, little trivia for you, be commander of the American, the Patriots, the battle of Ridgefield who distinguished himself by his bravery, was shot off his horse and ordered to surrender and refused. Shot the person who told them to surrender and escaped was Benedict Arnold. Uh, Norwich, Connecticut’s own Benedict Arnold. Who later was also involved in the second major battle in the revolution, the battle of Groton Heights, except in that one, he was the leader of the British forces.
Julie Bartucca: Yeah, trader.
Tom Breen: Yeah. But anyway, it’s a really interesting story. Go to today.uconn.edu to find much more in depth [00:26:00] and there’s some video that Mike Enright took. Very interesting stuff. And if you get to Richfield, by the way, the Keeler Tavern museum, there’s still a British Cannonball lodged in one of the corner posts from the battle of Richfield.
So very cool history comes alive.
Julie Bartucca: Absolutely. UConn is in it.
Tom Breen: Yup. Anything interesting happens in the state, UConn’s involved in some way.
Julie Bartucca: Anything interesting.
Tom Breen: Literally anything.
Ken Best: Like this podcast.
Tom Breen: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Julie Bartucca: The only interesting podcast that comes out of Connecticut.
Tom Breen: I would agree with that.
Julie Bartucca: Obviously.
Tom Breen: Okay, so that was a, that was the story of the Richfield skeletons. If this sounds like a, an abrupt transition, that’s because it is. For some reason, the conclusion of our podcast was cut off, it just didn’t get recorded. Speculation in the press is blaming Russian hackers. I can’t comment on that. I don’t know one way or the other. I will say that it was, it was easily the greatest three minutes of audio we’ve ever recorded.
And now it’s lost forever. But thank you for [00:27:00] listening. You can follow us on Twitter @UConnpodcast and follow Maxine on Twitter @MaxinePhilavong, Julie @JulieBartucca, me @TJBreen, and Ken as always, is at today.uconn.edu where you can find out the, see some of the great stuff he’s writing.
Thanks so much for listening and see you in a fortnight!