The UConn 360 Podcast

Episode 118: Researching the Arctic

UConn faculty have performed research all over the globe, but few have gone to a more remote place than professor of marine science Penny Vlahos. Vlahos, along with two other UConn researchers, travelled to the Arctic in May of 2023 to gather samples from sea ice that is expected to be extinct by 2040 and […]

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Episode 116: The New Kids…and Children’s Lit

The UConn 360 podcast is back…with some new co-hosts. Izzy Harris and Mike Enright of University Communications have taken over the reins of UConn 360 and hope to live up the high standards of information and entertainment provided by colleagues Tom Breen and Julie Bartucca. In this first (or 116th) episode, Izzy and Mike introduce […]

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Episode 115: Goodbye – or Maybe Au Revoir?

After six years, 115 episodes, two national awards, and countless memories that will last a lifetime, UConn 360 is going on indefinite hiatus. Does this mean you’ll never again hear from the only podcast known to science that covers the University of Connecticut from every conceivable angle? Probably not! Who knows? The future is unwritten, […]

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Episode 114: The Politics of Wild Weather

From raging wildfires in Canada to record rainfall in New York City to an out-of-nowhere hurricane slamming into Mexico, 2023 has been yet another year with abundant evidence that our weather is getting harder to predict – and disasters harder to manage – as the planet continues to heat. Talbot Andrews, assistant professor of political […]

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Episode 113: How Hip Hop Conquered the World

This year marks the 50th anniversary of hip hop, which emerged from block parties in the South Bronx to become the dominant form of popular music in the United States and beyond. How did this unlikely underdog story happen? What kind of changes to the music and culture have taken place over five decades? What […]

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Episode 112: How You Like Them Apples?

Once upon a time, UConn was home to abundant orchards – where Gampel Pavilion sits now, and later at the Cold Spring Orchard not too far away. It’s been many years since UConn grew its own apples, pears, and other tree fruit, but that’s about to change. The Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture […]

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Episode 111: Reliving UConn’s Dream Season

It may seem hard to believe, as we bask in the glow of a fifth national championship, but there was a time when the UConn men’s basketball team was little more than an afterthought. The Huskies had joined the newly created Big East Conference in 1979, which coincidentally would be the last time they’d play […]

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Episode 110: Learning to Live in the Anthropocene

Tom and Julie get a break this week from their hectic podcast production schedule when colleague Elaina Hancock interviews Professor of Earth Sciences Robert Thorson – known far and wide as “Thor” – whose expertise runs from Henry David Thoreau to New England stone walls to cutting-edge geology. In this interview, Elaina and Prof. Thorson […]

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Episode 109: Getting It Right on Substance Use Disorder

Nationally, about 12% of children live with a parent who abuses alcohol or other drugs, and about 80% of parents in the child welfare system have substance use disorder. Margaret Lloyd Sieger is an associate professor in the UConn School of Social Work who teaches courses in substance use disorder, research, program evaluation, and social […]

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