COVID-19 Campus Operations
COVID-19 Campus Operations
Latest Update
As you may know, we have been monitoring wastewater for COVID-19 to assess the overall level of activity on the Storrs campus. Most wastewater sampling targets residential locations, and has helped guide our COVID-19 surveillance testing efforts for primarily the residential student population.
However, we now have the ability to monitor a few more non-residential spaces on campus. During intersession, these additional collections sites will help focus our surveillance efforts to sections of campus that are more heavily populated, mainly by employees, including graduate assistants. Click here to learn more about the wastewater monitoring.
If we ever detect increased COVID-19 activity in the wastewater attributed to a particular building or campus location, we will communicate this through the BECList to the affected building's Building and Emergency Contacts so they may share this information with building occupants to encourage them to get tested for COVID-19.
Testing opportunities will be made available through Human Resources for asymptomatic employees and through Student Health and Wellness (SHaW) for students, including graduate assistants.
Environmental Health & Safety,
UConn Division of Public Safety
During the COVID-19 pandemic and the declared Public Health Emergency, UConn is limiting access to and use of its campus facilities and resources (all campuses) by non-university third party entities.
UConn is a public institution and as such normally permits access or use of its grounds or public buildings by third parties. In support of efforts to protect the health and safety of students, staff, and faculty, access and use of university buildings, spaces, facilities, and resources is restricted until further notice.
Exceptions for use of university facilities or resources will be approved only for an exceptional need and for the benefit of the university. Requests for any exception to the restriction must be submitted in writing to the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Provost Office, Vice President for Research, or the President's Office at least two weeks in advance and must clearly define the need and why an exception should be granted.
Limiting use of UConn facilities and resources by third parties is consistent with recommendations in the Report from the Higher Education Subcommittee - Reopen Connecticut and the CDC Guidance to Institutions of Higher Education, which advices limiting nonessential visitors.
Copies of Approved Exceptions for Use of University Facilities or Resources should be forwarded to the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) at and Facilities Operations at
University signs on pandemic-related health and safety measures are produced with standards to ensure consistency and clarity, and often with certain state mandates in mind. In keeping with that mission, UConn reminds individuals and departments that they should not design signs themselves.
Certain signage has already been developed in consultation with Environmental Health & Safety, University Communications and Facilities Operations. FacOps can print and place signs for these uses, with the actual designs available for viewing on this site.
The signs available for the various locations and the directives they provide are:
- For building points of access: State Mandate (Stop); General Behavior (Walk on Right).
- Stairs: General Behavior (Walk on Right).
- Elevators: General Capacity (Where to Stand).
- Restrooms: Wash Hands.
- Buses: Sit / Don't Sit; and ad-size placards.
- Classrooms: Capacity / Don't Sit; and chair placement.
- Teaching labs: Capacity / Don't Sit; and chair placement.
- Residential lounges: Capacity / Don't Sit; and chair placement.
Additional signage requests can be submitted to Facilities Operations. If the request falls within the categories shown above, Facilities Operations will enter a work order and place the sign.
If the requested sign location is outside of the baseline of existing signs, but the design has been approved, requestors will be referred to the UConn Branding website to print the sign themselves or to the Sign Shop/Document Production Digital Storefront to request printed copies.
In cases when a sign is requested but there is no approved design in place, requestors can e-mail Environmental Health & Safety at
Plexiglass Barriers:
Plexiglass barriers should be installed in high-traffic retail locations, residential dining areas, and other busy areas that cannot accommodate alternative strategies to avoid face-to-face business. Examples of these types of areas include mail rooms, dining areas, key distribution operations, and cash operations.
Before considering Plexiglass barriers, departments should first exhaust all opportunities to utilize 6-foot physical distancing strategies, such as visual cues and markers, and alternative business practices to avoid person-to-person contact. If the requesting department's operation does not allow for 6-foot physical distancing and meets all other guidelines, UConn Facilities Operations will perform a site visit with the requestor to design a solution, then schedule the construction of the barrier with the requestor. The University will absorb the cost of installations that meet the guidelines.
If the request does not meet the guidelines, Facilities will redirect the requesting department to Procurement Services to pursue alternative purchasing opportunities funded by the requesting department. If there are any requests that Facilities determines to need additional vetting or approval, UConn Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) will be consulted to review and make recommendations.
More information and the request form can be found on the EHS site.
Surgical-type Face Coverings:
Employees working at UConn Storrs during the pandemic can receive paper face coverings through the Central Warehouse.
Per EHS recommendations, each employee can receive five masks, with one to be worn each day of the week. The expectation is that masks will be worn until unserviceable. Employees are allowed and encouraged to wear their own face coverings while working on campus, in the same way they do when performing other tasks such as grocery shopping, etc.
To request face coverings through the Warehouse, fill out this form. Requestors are encouraged to pick up items through the no-contact process at Loading Dock No. 1 of the Central Warehouse. UConn will be distributing two cloth masks to all faculty, staff and students in the near future with the expectation that individuals wash and reuse them in place of the paper masks.
The University will be providing disinfecting wipes outside of all classrooms and lecture halls. Additionally, spray disinfectant and paper towels will be provided to teaching labs as well as reception areas.
Approved research facilities can receive a laboratory-grade spray disinfectant as well as paper towels and gloves for application. Disinfectant for labs and reception areas can be requested by filling out this form. Spray bottles for disinfection will be available for use in all multi-stall bathrooms on the Storrs and regional campuses.
Hand Sanitizer:
Touchless hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed at a minimum of one entrance to all campus buildings, with the intent to install them at every entrance by Aug. 15. Every classroom entrance will have a touchless hand sanitizer dispenser before the start of the fall semester.
The Dairy Bar resumed service Wednesday, June 24, in a process through which customers will place orders online through the website, then later have the items delivered to their vehicles in the parking lot. The building will not be open to the public, nor will there be outdoor seating provided in the area nearby for patrons. The ice cream will be provided pre-packaged in containers for customers to take elsewhere, just like with online grocery or takeout food orders. More information on the procedures, hours of operation and other details are on UConn Today and on the Dairy Bar's website.
Locations of the UConn Bookstore (Barnes & Noble at UConn) have reopened to the public at UConn Storrs (first floor only), Downtown Storrs, and UConn Hartford. All social distancing protocols are in place, including masks required for customer and staff safety. The UConn Storrs and UConn Hartford locations are open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays; and at Downtown Storrs, the hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Other campuses' locations have not yet reopened. Textbooks should still be ordered online at, and will be shipped free to homes.
The following materials may be acquired through these processes:
Facemasks (for individual distribution through web form):
Faculty and staff who cannot do their job from home and are approved by a department head or dean can request five surgical masks (per approved individual) by going to the following link and filling out the form:
Masks are intended to be reused, having one for each day of the work week. They will be distributed through inter-office mail or can be picked up outside the Central Warehouse, 3 Discovery Drive. The specific location will be provided after the request is approved.
Individual Use Hand Sanitizer (for individual distribution through web form):
Individual use hand sanitizer shipments are arriving at UConn in limited quantity. Essential faculty and staff, and approved researchers who cannot do their job from home and are approved by a department head or dean can request a personal-use hand sanitizer (limit one per person) by going to the following link and filling out the form: ( The CDC recommends that people use hand sanitizer if you can't use soap and water.
Disposable Wipes or Disinfectant Spray/Paper Towels, packaged with gloves (for individual distribution through web form):
Disposable wipes are not yet available at the Storrs and regional campuses. Until they are, a spray bottle of disinfectant will be substituted, and will be packaged with paper towels and gloves (limit one package per person). The gloves are for disinfectant use, and are not recommended for protection against COVID-19. Please follow all safety protocols recommended by disinfectant label and SDS.
Essential faculty and staff, and approved researchers who cannot do their job from home and are approved by a department head or dean can request a wipes/disinfectant package by going to the following link and filling out the form (
Hand sanitizer and disposable wipes will be delivered to locations on the Storrs and regional campuses, or can be picked up outside the Central Warehouse located at 3 Discovery Dr. The specific location will be communicated after the request is approved. We ask that, to the extent possible, orders are put in for groups rather than individuals to minimize the number of transactions necessary to supply the University population. Quantities are limited, so all mask distribution is being logged for reference.
All other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
All other PPE can be obtained during the normal procurement process through HuskyBuy. If departments have any questions regarding PPE, they can contact Amy Allen, associate director of supply chain for University Business Services, at:
Due to the continuing public health threat presented by the COVID-19 virus and the need for social distancing, planned 2020 summer camps for any UConn campus that would involve a residential component, meaning participants staying in residence halls overnight, are canceled.
Programs not hosted by UConn which involve a residential component are canceled.
Summer academic programs hosted by UConn which have a residential component are either canceled or shifted to online instruction. Please consult with the relevant program directors or instructors for further information.
Day programs that have no residential component may proceed as planned at the discretion of the organizers only if the governor has lifted the current stay-at-home executive order, which is set to expire May 20 but may be extended, and if gatherings of five or more people are deemed acceptable by the time the program is to take place.
Even if the stay-at-home order has been lifted, organizers should be aware that limited support services will be available due to a reduced UConn workforce, social distancing guidelines, and academic priorities. Organizers should contact the appropriate unit at the university to determine what services will be available.
This is in the interest of public health as well as the logistical priority of allowing Storrs and Stamford residential students to retrieve their belongings. Residential Life is in the process of planning a move-out over an extended period of time once state orders allow a safe return for students to campus as part of a lengthy, staggered move-out.
Questions regarding summer camps, programs not hosted by UConn, or residential programs should be directed to
Questions regarding current students in the residence halls should be directed to
Questions regarding UConn hosted academic programs should be directed to
The guiding principle of the UConn Library system is to support students and faculty while protecting the health of our community. We will continue to be flexible and in constant review of what is possible. Our latest information will always be found on our website.
Electronic Materials:
All of our electronic materials continue to be available online. We have created a guide to help navigate the resources and will keep it updated as publishers change access restrictions. If there are issues with access, please contact
Course Reserves:
Faculty should request online alternatives for print and DVD materials currently held on reserve. We cannot convert DVDs to streaming videos at this time. The Library intends to purchase electronic versions if available; this may take up to 3-5 business days. There is no guarantee of purchase however the Library will make a good faith effort to locate requested materials. Send requests for purchase to If electronic versions are not available, the Library will consult with faculty to potentially locate an acceptable alternative. For all other questions regarding Course Reserves, please contact the appropriate reserve staff via email.
Reference Services:
- Our Ask a Librarian chat services will run as regularly scheduled and now include late night hours from 12-2am EST.
- Our Subject Specialists are available for consultation and can be reached via email. If you do not have an identified subject specialist, please contact Sara Harrington.
Borrowing Materials through Interlibrary Loan:
Use ILLiad to request needed e-resources that are not available through UConn. This service is fast and free. Physical items (DVDs, VHS, print books, etc.) are not available to request at this time.
- PDF articles, chapters, and papers
Follow the directions for requesting articles, chapters, and papers. - E-Books
While it is still difficult and rare to obtain e-books through Interlibrary Services, a few libraries (like ours) are beginning to provide them. Follow the directions for print books but look for the e-book record if there is one. Not every print book has an e-book version.
More information can be found on the Interlibrary Services FAQ page. If you have a question regarding your requests please contact
Physical Materials:
- Library books that have been checked out, including Interlibrary Loan materials, should be kept until further notice. We will be extending all due dates and waiving fines and fees. For students coming to the Storrs campus to empty dorm rooms over the next few weeks, there will be bins on the loading dock of Babbidge Library where you can drop your books. For students at the regional campuses, please hold onto your books until further notice and check back here for updated information as it becomes available.
- Items currently on hold will be available when we reopen.
- Requesting or recalling items is not available.
- Circulating items in Homer Babbidge Library are not available at this time.
- If you have returned a book, it will be in quarantine and will not be checked back in for some time. As a result, you will still see it in your account. No fines and fees will be charged.
Archives & Special Collections:
Services including research, instruction, and reproduction services will be limited. Researchers with existing travel plans should reschedule their visit. Questions can be sent to:
We are here to help you. Please don't hesitate to contact us through the contacts listed above, at, or through our webpage.
Due to COVID-19 and to ensure business continuity, University Business Services is making the following temporary policy/procedures changes with regards to utilization of the Pro-Card:
While most UConn employees are now working remotely, it is understood there may be a need for low-dollar, educational and research supply-type purchases to be shipped to remote work locations.
Employees, with supervisor approval, may purchase necessary supplies related to furthering education and research, using the following methods in priority order:
- HuskyBuy - If the supplies are available in HuskyBuy then this is the preferred method where you will be able to enter a remote work location. Any items requiring a ship to location outside of UConn will be reviewed by Procurement. See instructions here.
- Pro-Card -
- If the supplies are not available in HuskyBuy then a Pro-Card may be utilized as an alternate purchase method and shipped to a remote work location within CT with documented approval from your supervisor. Any purchases using the Pro-Card with shipments to a remote work location require an approval from the Pro-Card Administrator prior to purchase. Instructions on how secure this approval can be found here.
- Keep in mind that the purchase of office furniture and equipment, computers, laptops, IPads, copiers, and scanners are not considered low-dollar, educational and research supplies and require a documented pre-approval from your supervisor and review and approval from the Pro-Card Administrator and may be subject to further review by the AVP of University Business Services and AVP & Controller. Instructions on how secure this approval can be found here.
- Using the Pro-Card for University-related purchases represents the University's trust in you and your empowerment as a responsible employee of the University to safeguard and protect our assets. The Cardholder, Supervisor and Fiscal Officer assume the responsibility for the protection and proper use of the Pro-Card that will be subject to post-review by the AVP & Controller's Office, University Business Services and Internal Audit.
- Employee reimbursements - This method should be used as a last resort where HuskyBuy or Pro-Card cannot be used. If this method is used then the procedures under Pro-Card apply with the exception of having the pre-approval attached to the DV in KFS or expense report in Concur.
Employees, Supervisors and Fiscal Officers are expected to use best-judgment and reason and continue to be good stewards of University resources during this unusual time.
Please contact Nancy Patrylak or Elise Fiorentino at with any questions regarding the use of the Pro-Card.
All departments in Facilities Operations will be operating with a reduced and alternating staff in an effort to keep our employees healthy and to position the department for providing long-term service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff will be closely following CDC Guidelines for social distancing and hand washing.
Facilities Operations departments include all Trades, Housekeeping, Motor Pool, Transportation & Parking, Locksmith and Physical Security, Landscape, Cogen, Water Pollution Control and Reclaimed Water facilities, Central Warehouse, University and Student Mail and the Operations Center. Facilities projects, including those in Academic Renovations, will continue if the project is already in progress or is a life safety initiative.
Below is specific information for certain departments:
Operations Center:
- Hours of operation will continue to be 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- The Operations Center will continue to act as the maintenance call center for the University including regional campuses and will continue to support all of its current systems monitoring functions.
- The Operations Center staff will also continue the student lockout function.
Parking and Transportation:
- HuskyGo fixed-route shuttle and the Accessible Van Service will be provided on the Storrs campus following their Spring Break schedules for the remainder of the 2020 spring semester.
- Please visit for complete information and updates.
- Parking garages will be open and parking there will be free.
- Parking enforcement will continue.
University Mail Services:
- Hours of operation will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- We will continue to receive mail and sort it for future distribution.
- We will deliver to each building once per week.
- Departments wishing to pick up their mail can coordinate directly with mail services for a specified time. Please call (860) 486-2968 for coordination.
Student Mail Services:
- Student Mail Services will discontinue delivery.
- If a student needs an item (such as medication) that they believe was delivered, please contact us at
- All remaining unclaimed packages will be returned to sender.
Central Warehouse:
- Hours of operation will be 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.
- UConn faculty and staff are encouraged to refrain from ordering items if they do not plan on being present on campus to receive the item(s) from the intended carrier. The Central Warehouse can receive items for departments and hold for future delivery or pick-up as a last resort only.
- Delivery can be arranged for one day each week. Please call (860) 486-6297 to coordinate.
Housekeeping/Trade Services/Regional Campuses:
- Our housekeeping and general maintenance teams have been instructed to focus on maintaining health and safety in areas that are currently occupied by students and other essential operations.
- We are also prepared with specialty disinfecting services for reported confirmed COVID-19 cases.
- The technicians who are onsite will be patrolling the buildings on a daily basis to ensure the building systems are operating as expected and to identify any issues that require urgent attention.
- Heating and cooling systems will be backed down in an effort to reduce energy costs while buildings are vacant.
- The Trade Services group will still respond to urgent work order requests and will be working towards reducing any backlogged work items that can be done.
Landscape Services:
- Landscape Services will continue to maintain the campus as it is a great place to walk, reflect and decompress during this stressful period.